How do I make a business in photography?
I have just read a superb piece by photographer David Noton in his dispatches column. Davids writings are always worthwhile reading. He is a seasoned pro with a ton and a half of experience and enthusiasm. In this article he tells it like it is and I agree with every word. For those thinking about making a living from photography it should become required reading. My experience as a pro is exactly the same as his.
Well, I say 'exactly', but that is not strictly true. My career path has a slight difference, but one I think more should consider.
How do I put a simple border around my images?
I get asked a lot how to put a simple frame border around images, like this one. It is very simple.
These instructions apply to Photoshop, but also work in Elements and no doubt you can work out a similar way if you use some other software. For Elements and others the menu locations may be different but the commands similar.
How do I re-size images for Alamy?
Many people how to get their images prepared for Alamy, especially their request for 48mb images. It is a bit confusing, so here is my method using Photoshop - but if you use Elements or some other software it may help you too.
The file you upload doesn’t have to be 48MB in itself – but has to be able to be converted by their customer to a 48mb TIFF.
How do I put a watermark on my photos?
I get asked this a lot by students so here is a post to provide the answer - it works in Photoshop or Elements (and the print and export modules of Lightroom have a custom function to add one also).
Watermarking your images is not a foolproof way to stop people using them without your permission. Some will ignore it and use it anyway. Others will spend a few minutes in Photoshop and remove it - with basic cloning skills it is usually not hard to do.
High Pass Sharpening
I was so impressed with the quality of sharpening that Chris Upton had used on his images in his exhibition (Masters of Vision, now finished) I decided I needed to re-evaluate my sharpening workflow.
I do not sharpen the psd file I create from my RAW file. I hold that psd file as an unsharpened master. You need to sharpen images to different extents depending on how it will be used.
Top ten tips for photographing seascapes
Landscape photographers love the chance to photograph the sea. We love the wide horizons, big skies and the magnification of the glorious light at dawn and dusk reflected in the water. To make the most of your trips to the coast here are some tips for making great seascape images.
What should I charge for my photography?
This is a big question for all photographers, pro's and enthusiasts alike.
The answer is not simple. No one can tell us what the answer is. we have to decide for ourselves. However, there are some things to consider before deciding.
Review of Epson R2880 & ColourMunki Calibration System
I am often asked what printer I use. Until a few months ago the answer was, 'I don't use a printer'. ( I do have a HP desk top printer but it is only suitable for document printing ). I have always shied away from the complex matter of profiles, calibrating, papers and inks. It just seemed too much hassle. So much easier to upload the files to Loxley Colour in Glasgow and receive the prints a few days later.
Should photographers use Twitter?
Twitter is certainly a phenomenon. It has appeared as if from nowhere and people seem to love it or scorn it. 140 characters per message only. Is it a gimmick that will fade as quickly as it emerged? Or has it filled a niche and become an indispensable feature of our online lives? In particular, for us as photographers, is it a useful tool? Or a waste of time? If we are running a business does it provide tangible benefits or is it a distraction that consumes time we could spend making our living more effectively elsewhere?
New website launched
As you will have noticed my website has had a complete makeover.
I was quite happy with the look and feel of the old design, in fact, I feel the look of this one is not as good but there is a reason for the change.