Images tagged "impressionism"

0 comments on “Images tagged "impressionism"

  1. Ian Owen on

    Hi Doug

    Well done on implementing the new site, I’m sure you’ll find WordPress a lot more versatile. The site is looking good and the navigation is big improvement. I also think the removing your logo from the homepage is a good idea. On the iPhone, when held in landscape, your homepage looked like it didn’t have anything on it!

    Things to look at:

    1) SEO download a WordPress plugin to control your URLs for each page, I.e.

    2) Get text on your homepage rather than just pictures, it will help SEO ratings
    3) You should use ALT text to label your images, why people search images on google, web accessibility – blind people can’t see images, use to check it will improve your SEO ratings.

    4) Use Artisteer to make templates to change the look and feel of the site very easily, you can download it for free.

    5) Not sure why you’ve decided on using FTP software? I install the site with a few clicks using live onto the Internet on demo site. When I’m happy with a site I transfer it onto the live site.

    6) The other thing you could try for improving SEO is IBP but basically it’s all about writing the site correctly, I.e. Accessible, images labelled, real URL extensions and the biggey, link building with Google high linked sites. It all takes time to get up the Google rankings – best of luck.


  2. Ray Fidler on

    Hi Doug,
    I was glad to read your post about the diffiuclties you have expereinced – not from a malicious point of view ! My latest blog post is entitled “Assumed Level of Knowledge” ( my trials and tribulations recently.
    I really like your new site. For me it is simple to surf and thats all I ask. I appreciate your needs re Google are much greater than my enjoyment, however, some websites are so difficult to get what you are looking for.


    • Christine Carr on

      My first ever ‘comment’ but I so, so agree with you. I’ve read the article a couple of times over the last few weeks. As a camera club member I know what you mean but there are some notable exceptions. Irene Froy, a lovely lady and superb photographer, is one. I hope I try to be the same. Thanks for the blog it is great to read. Christine.

  3. Ian Webb on

    Hi Doug

    Just a note to say congratulations on the article in Advanced Photographer mag, very well done.

    Best wishes Ian Webb

  4. Jason on

    Thanks for the interview Doug, it’s great to showcase your high quality photographic work on our site. We hope to sell many more art prints for you!

  5. David on

    Thanks. Excellent work. In the past, I’ve use the duplicate layer>fill with 50% grey>change blend mode to overlay method. Dodging/burning is then undertaken via the paintbrush set to either black or white. This is ok for basic work.

    Your method enables dodging/burning to take place within the shadow/midtone/highlight arenas. Considerably better!

  6. Bob Garrigus on

    Good article Doug, I carry a tripod rig with me everywhere having invested in a very user-friendly set of kit from Really Right Stuff. Not cheap to be sure but their single wo pano setup fits in the packet of my vest and can be used in conjunction with my wide angle lenses, tilt-shift lenses or, by quickly removing the nodal slide, using the PC-1 levelling clamp by itself with a 70-200mm telephoto.

    More information here:

    I use this setup for panoramas as well as to achieve 5×4 aspect ratio (rather than crop from a 3:2 capture).

    • dougchinnery on

      Hi Bob
      Thanks for your comment, it sounds like a great set up you have there – I like the idea of using it for 5×4 framing too, which I am tending to prefer over 3:2 full frame ratios. Thanks for the link

  7. Richard Hurst on

    Doug, great advice and the “thumb up / thumb down” procedure is a great idea to remember which shots are for the pano, so simple but perfect!. I’ll try this out on my new 5Dmk2 that arrived today, no more pentax!!

    • dougchinnery on

      great news on the 5D mk2 – it will revolutionise your landscapes, Richard. I think Dan is thinking of getting one too. What lenses have you gone for?

    • dougchinnery on

      Both are great lenses. Since I got the 24 TSE I have hardly used the 16-35. I find I am less drawn to the distortion the really wide lenses create. I would rather get width by using the 24mm TSE to give me a panorama. I won’t get rid of the 16-35 yet as it might get the odd use but the 24mm TSE is pretty much the finest lens Canon make for landscapers. The other lens I use the most is the 45mm TSE – I love it. In fact in Northumberland I only took the 24 and 45mm TSE’s with me. I occasionally use my 70-200mm f2.8 Is L lens – it is a beauty. heavy but very sharp and great for compressing landscapes, especially mist etc. I also have the 100mm Macro IS L. It is a stunning lens and great for portraits and landscapes too. I am gradually moving over to primes for sharpness and general quality of image.

  8. Richard Hurst on

    I’m going to keep my eye out for a 2nd hand 24mm TSE then definitely. Brand new they are a bit too steep for me currently with the wedding coming up!

    • dougchinnery on

      Just make sure you don’t go for the mark 1 24mm TSE – it is very poor whereas the mark 2 is probably one of the best lenses Canon have ever made.

  9. Charlie Francis on

    Really useful information so many thanks. I think you are absolutely right not to pitch your fees too high. I’m interested in selling my prints mounted but that is a whole different ball game. I have sold a few to friends and colleagues but otherwise I guess it is selling from a website, using a gallery or craft fair etc. I feel a lot of people are not used to buying photographic art and that it has less value in their eyes than a painting.

  10. Chris tait on

    Excellent article Doug. I’m one of those using the P series filters and they do me ok. love to have the pennies for a set of lee filters but always some bill to pay instead. One thing I found early on is making sure I had the right holder for the right lenes. Nothing worse than neededing an nd grad then finding out the filter holder you have intrudes into a good third of your image on a wide angle lens

  11. dougchinnery on

    They are very expensive Chris. I think if I couldn’t afford them I would consider making two exposures, one for sky and one for foreground and blending using masks in Photoshop instead of using filters. The point you make on holders is true – very frustrating if you don’t have the right one

  12. Steve on

    Hi Doug,

    Good advice, do Lee do Pro Glass Grads or just resin? My grad is easily scratched and I was thinking I should buy glass?

    HI Steve – no, they only make pro glass full ND filters. Although the resin ones do scratch if you aren’t careful with them, the pro glass ones are very easy to smash if dropped – so its swings and roundabouts ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Robin Snelson on

    Doug just like to say what a cracking article, backed up all I had been told and shown about Lee filters by Ian Owen, purchased yesterday, just wish I had them last Sunday..

  14. Robin Snelson on

    Back up is so important, as an IT professional, my motto is “Back Up..Back Up..Back Up” I have three copies of my of all pictures/files plus the Lightroom Library files etc…. I work in a secure building so my copies go to and from work with me, or when going on holiday are locked in my desk away from prying eyes, I frequently as soon as I think there might be a problem change hardware. One thing to say though is, always test your back up strategy, nothing worse than backing something up to fond out the back up is corrupt or will not restore…..

    Great Article…



  15. ian on

    I also recommend that you check the method of payment for your backup services, particularly the ones like glacier you expect never to use. Changing credit card, particularly after its been stopped can mean your payment bounces and your files deleted. Not sure how long amazon wait and how many warnings they give

  16. ian on

    Wow that’s a lot of backups Mr Chin’
    I have two drives in my pc that back each other up and a network drive in the loft. I hope that the flood waters wont get as far as the loft and that Burglar Bill wont look up there. The loft drive is set up as an FTP site and I can remote access it. My friend has the same set up. I upload to him and he to me. All free of charge.

  17. Tim Parkin on

    I think Pinterest is great – it does what many photographers do, download the occasional image from the internet for reference, and brings it out into the open and linking back to the original photograph.

    Yes it can be seen as copyright abuse but it can also be seen as a personal clipping service.

    For instance although I’ve bought a couple of Axel Hutte’s books I’ve wanted to see lots of the other work on the internet. Axel doesn’t have a website and if he did it would probably not represent all of his work. With a Pinterest board I can browse the images I’ve found on the internet in one place instead of making my own scrapbook.

    Now printing the pictures for my own personal reference at home is arguably fair use (although maybe not if you frame them for decoration).

    So is that OK whereas publicly saying you like a picture and providing a link back to the original website isn’t?

    Personally I love it as an educational resource – just wish it was a little easier to use at times..

  18. Andrew Page on

    Hi Doug – thanks for posting this. I hadn’t really looked into Pinterest as I wasn’t sure of it’s value/use. You have opened my eyes to at least give it a go even if just on a personal level as a digital scrapbook for inspiration. Cheers

  19. Emma on

    Excellent blog Doug. So great to read about great customer care/service. Many companies could take a leaf out of Calumet’s book – it could be the difference between surviving ang going under in the present economic climate.

  20. John on

    Great read Doug, or should I call you Mr. Calumet now? Just goes to show that cheapest is not always best, especially when expensive gear is in question. It’s always tempting to save a few quid, but great service further down the line can sometimes be worth a whole lot more. Thanks for the kind comments too.

  21. Andrew Page on

    Hi Doug – enjoyed this post after I had seen the same news story and some of your tweets. You were quick to get this written! I sell a number of mounted and unmounted prints as open editions (at too low a price if honest) and it had been suggested to me on several occasions to try the limited edition approach ‘to make more money’. I have resisted thus far largely because I don’t have an ego that allows me to believe for a minute that I am a ‘collectable’ artist. I think you are spot on when you say that “from the right photographer, these pieces can command very high prices” with the emphasis, I feel, being on from the RIGHT photographer. I feel this wouldn’t be justified from a ‘nobody’ (like me), however good the pictures might be. If it was just down to rarity we could all be rich by just issuing one print! I know this is likely to ruffle a few feathers but I am irked by those who feel able to artificially inflate prices this way when they are clearly not ‘collectable’ The likes of Michael Kenna have spent years building their reputation and have proven prowess that comes from having an outstanding talent recognised by peers and buyers alike. My view is that its OK to do the LE thing when you have attained this level and it bestowed rather than self proclaimed. This is probably why I will always remain cash poor as a photographer following my heart and principles. The whole integrity thing is important to me too and I would feel I had cheated previous buyers had I done what William Eggleston had even if it is legal and ‘allowed’. In my book that doesn’t make it right! I’m sure others will disagree but that’s what makes a good debate ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Lizzie Shepherd on

    Hi Doug

    This makes interesting reading and I absolutely agree with you that hand held shooting can be extremely rewarding and effective. There sometimes seems to be a bit of snobbery regarding the use of a tripod. I’m a big advocate of tripod use but I feel hand holding for landscapes is also valid and sometimes, as you say, your only option – for whatever reason!

    It also touches on something else I blogged about a while back. The relative value of an image quickly seen and taken, as opposed to one pre-visualised and long in the planning. Again, I think a bit of snobbery can come in here in some quarters. Why should a photographer’s instinctive reaction to a moment of magic be any less valid than the image that took days to make?

    Anyway, if you have time and wish to do so, I wrote a very brief piece touching on this here:

  23. MelJd46 on

    I own a tripod but have to say a lot of the time if doesnt see much use as I tend to want to capture a moment in time as I stumble upon it. I am far too uncoordinated to wander through woods n the like with a tripod “ready for action” – would probably have broken a leg of my own if I did so. I do take the monopod though, which I have found to be very useful. Luckily, we all have our own ways of interpreting this beautiful land we live in.

  24. Philip Whittaker on

    Great read Doug, I’m hoping to buy a D800 in he near untrue and will defo bare them in mind ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. Diane on

    Sorry Doug, but I’m puzzled as to why it has to go to China for printing. Presumably it’s the cost factor, but surely it would have been better to support a British printing company. Lovely images, though.

    • dougchinnery on

      Hi Diane, in fact, they have now changed the print location to Europe – so a bit closer to home – but cost must be an issue and I am guessing they have had to strike a balance.

  26. david breen on

    its a very fair comment you make and a decision that was half made but never sat well with my own values either.

    The driving force behind the China decision was actually not simply cost but production. The presses we wanted to work with in the UK couldn’t create our book, at the size we wanted.

    We have said from the earliest stages of this book that we wouldn’t compromise on quality, so we were not prepared to make a physically smaller book.

    However we have now found a press within Europe who do the majority of their work into the UK and have an existing workforce over here facilitating all this work.

    It also allows us to go to the press to check production is as good as it can be.

    The secondary benefit from our tenacity in sourcing a more local supplier is that we can now print the book “stochastically” which is a huge leap in quality for the images.

    Thank you for your comment and I agree totally with its sentiments.

    David Breen

  27. David Speight on

    Really couldn’t agree more. One other thing. Why no mirror lock up on the lower end Nikons? Almost as if its not a very important feature. Quite awkward to sort out on some of the enthusiast bodies as well.

  28. Lizzie Shepherd on

    Following our light-hearted banter on twitter, I thought it might be interesting for some of your readers to see what motivated the odd lunatic to switch over to the dark side… ๐Ÿ˜‰ so – my blog from last year:

    Just for the record, I am still happy I made the switch. The only frustration I really have with the interface/usability of the Nikon D800e is the drop off in live view quality in low light. For me it’s a price worth paying for the things I enjoy about it.

    As a former Canon 1DS3 users, I have to say I find it far more intuitive to use than I did when I borrowed a 5D2 on occasion – I like having all those buttons and switches rather than everything being menu driven. But that’s just personal choice.

    I know you agree with me that the most important thing is for people to enjoy using their gear and to get the best out of it they can.

  29. dougchinnery on

    Photographer Mark Voce added this comment to my Facebook page so I have copied it here as he makes some very good points which balance both sides of this debate

    Interesting reading Doug, I have actually just sold my beloved 5D2 and jumped on on the Nikon wagon with the D800E. I agree with some of the points you have made especially about the live view, the 5D2 can see though a big stopper where as the D800E cannot but ok.

    Also one failing on the Nikon is that it doesn’t display a timer in bulb mode like the Canon does, but on the plus the Nikon has a little door to cover the viewfinder which is so much better than Canon’s idea of a rubber flap to stop stay light when using 10 stop + filters.

    Regarding lenses I will have to disagree with your comment about L glass being so good, in my experience having owned 16-35mm f2.8, 17-40mm f4 and 24-70mm f2.8 L lenses for my 5D2 over the years my new Nikon 14-24mm f2.8 and 24-70mm f2.8 are in a different league, much sharper wide open even into the corners, less fall off (although I usually add more vignetting anyway) and much better resistance to flare and strange effects when pointed at point light sources like street lamps (this probably only applies to nocturnal nutters like me).

    A few bits on the Nikon that I have found superior to the Canon are …

    * Live view has a toggle switch for photo and video mode, this was pain on the Canon as it was buried in the menus. Useful if you shoot both.

    * Bracketing, the Canon could only do 3 frames, the Nikon can do 7 useful for HDR. It’s also quicker to setup on the Nikon.

    * Mirror lock up, on a dial rather than buried in the menus.

    * Built in intervalometer, saves the need for an external controller for simple time lapse.

    One thing I still dont understand whether Canon or Nikon, is why on earth the maximum shutter speed is limited at 30 seconds, surely in these days of clean digital sensors this is pointless.

  30. straywasp on

    Great post. I think this could apply to other areas too. As somebody with only a passing interest in photography, it can be disheartening when you can’t create the same quality of photo that you see from the professional world. Making something more real and meaningful could be far more rewarding, even if less polished. Reminds me of the Alex Soth photos where he gave the camera to his daughter. With her naivety came photos that “aren’t drowning in cliches”

    • dougchinnery on

      Hi John, yes, you do need a good broadband connection to download the program’s but they are then on your hard drive and work as normal. You don’t need to be connected to the Internet to use them. The software just connects about once a month to verify the software.

  31. Alastair on

    Your comments about usability seem to be limited only to Live View. Is there anything else about Nikon cameras that you find unusable? I did shoot with Nikon for a long time and I originally went for Nikon because of the usability and how it felt in the hand. I simply found no other camera as easy to use, as obvious and as logical. That said, I never used or felt the need to use Live View but if you’re condemning Nikon only because of its inferior Live View, that seems a little bit of a stretch to call the camera unusable.

    I only shoot large format film now so my Live View functionality, while far bigger, is even more limited ๐Ÿ™‚

    • dougchinnery on

      The features affect the way I work with a DSLR in a major way. In such a major way they make the bodies unusable FOR ME. But many people love them and get awesome results from them. I’m not saying they are bad cameras, just that some design features drive me mad. Since writing the blog I have had a chance to check the OK button and this does bring the light meter gauge up on the live view screen, so that removes this issue I described. Thank you to those who pointed it out. I have looked at the continuous depth of field and can honestly say having worked with two D800 bodies this weekend that the screen is so grainy and poor (and it Flickers visibly), especially in low light, that despite the fact it shows the DOF continuously it is of zero use. It is unusable. Frankly, the monitor on the Nikon’s is unacceptably poor, compared to the amazing screens on the Canons, especially in low light.

  32. John Birch on

    I sorry but this still sucks. I hate renting and much prefer to buy. What happens after 31st December too, does the offer expire or does the price go up. I don’t really use photoshop that much and Lightroom meets 95% of my photo processing needs. Photoshop is very good, but everyone knows the ยฃ600 price tag is vastly over inflated. If Adobe were serious abou getting us all into the CC, then the offer would be extended to loyal Lightroom owners, not just PS owners. I really hope Adobes rental model fails, and this offer indicates its not been the success they had hoped.

    • dougchinnery on

      After the 31st the price per month remains the same for those who opted in. It s not an introductory offer. We don’t know what he price will be for those who delay opting in. If Adobe give this price to those who have only bought the lower price LR, what compensation do they offer to those of us who have loyally bought and upgraded the much more expensive Photoshop? For those who don’t want to rent CS5 will work for them, or they can use Elements along with Lightroom, both of which are available outside of the Cloud. I’m not a an of renting either but I am afraid we are going to have to get used to it. The behemoth software companies want guaranteed income streams and this suits them. They are not too interested in whether we like it or not. I predict that in five years 90% of major software program’s on Windows and Mac OS will be rented and they have us over a barrel. We can take it or leave it. There is always CorelDraw, or the Gimp. Ugh.

  33. Alec Murrell on

    There’s a quote, I’m not sure from whom: ‘There are none so blind as those who cannot see’
    I think this aptly applies to the photographer you spoke to. I bet his body of work is fascinating…..

  34. Marc on

    Hi Doug. This is a lovely blog post, and one I can relate too. Though I live in a beautiful part of the Uk, due to work, family and finance I am limited to my local area , and spend most of my time making pictures within a few miles of my home. Yes, I’d love to travel more, more out of refreshment than get wonderful pictures. I love to keep returning to my local spots – they keep challenging me to look deeper, to work harder, to make mental notes as what may work in the future… But more importantly when I get something special to me, it makes me happy that I have had to work for this image. I don’t think I will ever tire or ‘done’ my local spots, and certainly not the areas I in frequently visit.

  35. Finn Hopson on

    Well said Doug. Really struck a chord with me. Sums up what I’m slowly attempting to achieve on the South Downs. I grew up there and have seen so many parts of it in so many different seasons and conditions that its the most natural thing in the world to keep exploring the area and photographing what I find. I can’t imagine ever feeling quite the same connection to any other landscape and the images I may take there.

  36. Baxter Bradford on

    How very true Doug. Lighting is always different in locations and offers possibilities anew. Seasons, tidal effects and mindset of the photographer offer further variation. Some days I see far better in an abstracted way.
    That said, if more photographers adapted the ‘tick it off, twitcher mentality’ it would mean that the honeypot locations would be far less crowded for those of us who prefer to persevere and keep revisiting!!

  37. Ray Fidler on

    Hi Doug, your last two blog pieces have resonated with me. They have given me the confidence to keep along the path just begun shooting locations very close to my home. It is amazing how much is on our own doorstep to explore and discover plus accrue an intimate knowledge of the location(s). My aim is to have enough images gathered over two years (maybe longer) to create a photo book for my own enjoyment. Thanks for sharing your wise words with a wide audience. Ray

  38. Lizzie Shepherd on

    You must stop writing such good blogs, Doug! ;0) It’s taking me away from what I’m meant to be doing…

    Can’t agree more with what you say here. It’s a rare day that I go out with my camera and don’t find something new. Yorkshire being such a huge place, it could of course simply be a new location. But as often as not, it’s something new in a familiar location.

    I avoided Saltwick Bay for a good number of years as I felt ‘everyone goes there’ but, when I finally went, I realised there’s a good reason why people go. And several more… You will know well that, aside from the obviously scenic, there are no end of things to photograph there. I feel I’ve barely scratched the surface – that’s what so exciting about pretty much any location imo.

  39. valda bailey on

    Agree with all that has been said above. It’s only by revisiting again and again that we can really start to get a feel for a place and attempt to convey the emotions it stirs within. And it’s the hard way to do it because it forces us to sit and think. Then think some more. Rather than have the scene laid out for us where all we have to do is click the shutter it is so much more rewarding to search for the hidden beauty. This is why I never ever worry about weather (well, maybe torrential downpours) because it will invariably bring something new to a familiar scene.
    You reference some fine work – and how about Michael Jackson and Poppit Sands – he really has learned how to see!

  40. Susan Brown on

    I feel as if I am being blackmailed. I bought CS6 not so very long ago, the last thing I expected was having to fork out more and find out I am no longer supported in the programme I bought in good faith. I am retired from full time employment now and make a small amount of money from photography and CS6 are my tools. I feel I am left with no option. I also teach and when I am asked what programmes to buy, I say try and find a good programme NOT run by Adobe, they are overpriced and greedy.

  41. valda bailey on

    A fabulous set of images Doug, and a fascinating read. That these were taken by someone inexperienced in street photography AND with an unfamiliar camera is extraordinary. I look forward to seeing further results.
    Oh and I shouldn’t fret about the missed images – until we have eyes in the back of our heads that will never change when you’re out on the street.

  42. Tom McLaughlan on

    Well done, Doug. I have been looking forward to reading this and it didn’t disappoint. I second everything Valda said and would just add that there’s a definite positive to missing shots – it leaves you hungry for more. Loose ends to return to, if you will.

  43. Tim Allen on

    It was a good day out Doug and I’m glad you enjoyed your new toy. Sad to say I didn’t get a single shot worth sharing and but you and Valda did very well. Must do it again.

  44. John Clifton on

    Very interesting, Doug. I have the X-100 as my light weight walking camera, and have been similarly impressed with the image quality. I am tempted to trade up to the X-Pro 1, but would have to downsize my Nikon gear to do it. I will be very interested to hear how you get on with it as a landscape camera.

  45. Kevin Browne on

    I’ve been following David’s work since I first picked up a DSLR in 2010. Being from Southampton as well he has inspired me to get out and about in Hampshire much more. I will definitely be looking forward to getting hold of a copy of Sea Fever.

  46. Guy Perkins on

    “I want the images to say this is how it feels to be at the shoreline with the battering wind full of salt, the spray, the thump of the waves, the sense of vulnerability.” Mission accomplished. Even on my little monitor these images are breathtaking, full of power beauty and somehow a little mystery. Thank you.

  47. Jorge on

    I have been using my x-E1 for landscapes and have been very successful with it. Over the summer i was out for a week shooting stock. I packed my Fuji, with two lenses, and my d800 with the Nikon Trinity of lenses. I returned with 13,000 images (jpeg+raw) so around 6500 actual shots. Only 900 were shot with the D800, the balance was shot with the Fuji, and a small sampling with my D700. Just goes to show what an incredible camera the Fuji’s are. I am now considering selling off my dSLR gear and going Fuji Fulll time…

  48. MartinL on

    Hi Doug,
    Thanks for sharing the beautiful photo’s and the honest evaluation of the Fuji system.
    Like you, though not professional, I found that getting older was reason enough to change to loose much of the DSLR weight. The best decision I ever made. The OOC jpegs are superb.
    Fuji have produced an excellent sensor and some very fine lenses – long may it continue.

  49. John Giolas on

    Great post and really beautiful photographs. Like you, I’m a pro shooter who uses the Nikon D4 & D800E with many Zeiss and Nikon lenses for that work. But when not working, I, too, cannot put my X-Pro1 (and/or my X100S) down. For the past several months, for every frame I’ve taken with the Nikon, I’ve taken dozens with my Fujis. I just wanted to point out one error in your comments about LR not imprint the jpegs. While it is true that the LR in its default setting does automatically import the jpeg files along with its sibling raw, you can easily remedy this. Under Preferences, choose the “General” button at the top of the dialogue box, and click click the box labeled “Treat jpegs next to RAW files as separate files.” LR will now import both the RAW and jpegs as separate files which you see (and edit) in your LR library. Hope this helps. Again, enjoyed your post and your beautiful images.

  50. John Dominick on

    Interesting read Doug. I’ve been using the X system for a few months myself and more recently for landscape work along side the Nikons. The X-Pro 1 is a remarkable little camera that has already begun to influence my growth as a photographer. I’ve a new found and very exciting interest in black and white almost as a direct result of using it. Maybe it’s the liberating lack of bulk or the influence of the well documented X photographers and the genres they work in but my mind is being well and truly opened. Whatever it is these are exciting times and I look forward to seeing more of your excellent images from the system.

  51. Stephen McCullough on

    My favourite line of the week:
    “but it is autumn and it would be rude not to spend my time in the woods. ”

    I’ve had my X-Pro 1 for about a year. I shoot documentary and landscape. I’ve been so happy with this camera, and of course the lenses.

    Anyway, great post. It’s so useful to read of real experiences from someone who knows what they are doing. I especially appreciate the filter comments.

    How do I know that you write with some authority? The photographs – they make me want to walk in the forest. That autumn feel, the colour, and the textures.

    By the way, give the 60mm a try on landscape. It has a very particular character. You will like it.

    Thanks for sharing,

  52. Elaine Feast on

    Following your trip with interest and sympathy re the weather. As far as the 2 pics of the wooden huts are concerned, I think the colours in the 2nd photo are richer – the one taken with the Fuji seem to have more contrast and as a result has lost the richness in colour.
    Looking forward to next instalment !!

  53. Sue McG on

    Great pictures Doug. Sorry I have not contacted you before – I have had a fortnight with the Cambridge CC annual exhibition and been up to my neck in things. I am glad to see the Fuji holding its own. Lovely delicate pictures of the frosted birches. Fingers crossed for an aurora

  54. david Rasmussen on

    Great article and outstanding images. Really Right Stuff makes a L-bracket that allows access to everything, bottom and side. Time saver when using tripod and changing horizontal to vertical.

  55. david Rasmussen on

    Great article and outstanding images.
    Really Right Stuff makes a L-Bracket for the X Pro 1 that allows access to all doors and flaps, bottom and sides.

  56. Dan on

    Shoot the X-pro1 here in North Dakota. Does Aurora images well. Will find out how well it does to 40 below zero and generally sub zero(farenheit) temps over the next few months. So far at 12 below it has had no problems.
    Like having the optical finder for Auroras as the electronic one wipes out my night vision when I hit that bright screen. Also, the pro1 is enough bigger than the X-E1 that it makes a major difference for me in handling in the cold.
    All in all, a good camera that works well and produces fine image files.

  57. Dmitry on

    I’ve noticed your comments about the hand grip, and the difficultues of changing the battery with it on.

    For the past few months, I’ve been using a combo QR plate/hand grip that I bought from China. These are available on e-bay from a number of sellers, and are custom-fited for X-PRO1. In essense, they are a knock-off of an RRS product, well made and a lot less expensive.

    These grips provide access to the battery door, and have a bit more pronounced profile than the stock Fuji grip. This extra profile makes it easier to hold the camera, especially in gloves.


  58. Mitch Russo on

    I have stuck with the 5d MkIII for night photography because the full frame sensor still produces the best image quality. In addition, with a $695 lens Canon 17-40 L, I can capture whole skies at F6.7 tack sharp. I am not aware of a wide angle lens for the Fuji models that gives me an the same results at nearly the same price.

  59. valda Bailey on

    Some absolute beauties here Doug and a very interesting account of how they came about. How interesting that such a creative spark was laying dormant, just waiting for the right moment. If you had been snapping away for the previous 10 days, who knows if you would have seen the potential in this way. Fabulous.

  60. Sue McGilveray on

    I hadn,t realised that you had got stuck, but you have come out of it with a bang. Love these images, especially the bokeh that adds a spark to them all. You feed our imagination.

  61. Alison Buchanan on

    Interesting to hear it can happen to you tooโ€ฆ I have done so little personal photography recently but came home last night completely inspired by a talk by Valda Bailey on her photographic journey.

  62. kevin marston on

    Thank you Doug for an essential and very easy to follow blog. I use Photosync (recommended by Victoria Bampton) which I think does a similar job to Superduper. It seems to do its thing quietly and efficiently also. I will be definitely looking into using Zoolz though – any idea when the Mac version proper is being rolled out?

  63. Andy on

    Great article Doug – helpful as ever. I need to sit down and work out my backup strategy and I will use this article as a base and reference post

  64. Tom McLaughlan on

    Thanks for this, Doug. Only one observation if I may – I wish the article had been about replacing DSLRs with a mirrorless camera rather than being brand specific. I think it’s important for people to realise that there are several options out there, which – in my view – makes the case for shifting from a DSLR even greater. I for one have sold up all of my DSLR kit and am 100% mirrorless now – and haven’t looked back at all.

    • dougchinnery on

      I did mention at the outset Tom that you can replace ‘Fuji’ with any of the main mirrorless systems. I have only used the Fuji system myself so that is the subject of my blog but from what I have seen they all seem very competent. I say go with the system you like the look of and that suits your needs. I am not brand obsessed by any means (but I do love my Fuji ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Bruce Comens on

      Nice helpful review, thanks for this. You mention Fuji’s responsiveness to customers- the big thing I am wanting is multiple exposures of the type featured in the 5D III, but given that even Canon doesn’t offer it in less expensive models, it seems unlikely to come to Fuji anytime soon. Do you think they would get that many requests for this?

  65. Tracy Howl on

    Thanks Doug, that’s the best overview I have read of the Fuji system. Really informative and honest. As someone who does a lot of people/fast subject photography as well as travel, I think, like you I will be running 2 or more systems.

  66. Lizzie Shepherd on

    A beautifully illustrated and very balanced article, Doug. I’d agree with most of what you’ve found – albeit my experience is with the XE-1 and a brief stint with the XM-1 as well.
    I can’t see myself getting rid of my Nikon gear anytime soon – if at all – but I do really enjoy using the Fuji and if I’ve been out with the smaller system and then go off for a day with the Nikon gear on my back, I really do notice it!
    A few other things I’ve found – the smallish screen on the XE-1 I do find a bit of a challenge for really fine tuning compositions. I believe the larger screen on the newer cameras would make quite a difference. I also find the display can be a bit erratic when using grads – it’s almost as if it over adjusts itself and can make placement tricky on occasion.
    Other than that, the lag and occasional AF problems are really my only gripes. Oh and I’d love to have ISO 100 or even lower!
    Like you, I love the jpegs it produces and high ISO performance is excellent. I’d say the files are still incredibly clean even at ISO1600 – I literally can’t see any noise at 100% in LR and the detail is still very good – though I think I’m right in saying, even at its weakest setting, the Fujis do apply a tiny bit of NR at capture stage?
    Anyway, if you get the 14mm I’m sure you’ll love it. If you get the 56mm you’ll make me extremely jealous! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  67. Ria Smith on

    Excellent article Doug. I have both systems and love both, but probably do use the Fuji more because it’s more portable. I do take more time and think more about my composition when using the DSLR though.

  68. Amy Robinson on

    Thanks for this Doug, it is a really useful article. Trying to find a way to finance having this as a 2nd system particularly for when travelling and out in the street.

  69. Paul Chambers on

    I was lucky to win a X Pro 1 and 18mm lens. Initially I thought I sell it and buy a lens for my Nikon D700. But luckily I decided to keep it and now have the 35mm and 55-200mm lenses. I found the xpro 1 great in the street but useless when i went to a falcon centre due to slow focusing. I am in same position as Doug as in keeping my DSLR for macro and wildlife


  70. Neil on

    Really interesting article, thanks for putting this together.

    I currently only have a bridge camera (Fujifilm HS20) but earlier this year had the X-A1 (baby CSC of the X-series range) on review and currently have the X-E2 on review and have to say I absolutely love them both though my experience is obviously different for me comparing bridge to CSC rather than DSLR. Given the money to do so I wouldn’t hesitate in getting one of the higher level X-series in particular. I ended up using the X-A1 for a wedding and the X-E2 for a christening (both of these were as favours as I am in no way a professional) and was very pleased with the results of both.

  71. Ian Owen on

    Great article Doug! You know I’m about to put my money where your mouth is. Two hernias later and although the 6D is light the 3 lenses I carry at the same time aren’t! Talk to me about Lee filters though. Do they behave on an XT1 like they do on a Canon? Does the seven5 system polariser just clip on the holder, i.e. can you use two filters and the polariser? Also cable releases & flash options, what’s the deal? Come on Mr C we are counting on you for blog post number two (Working title: once you’ve made the switch what you need!), BUPA will go bankrupt if I need a third Hernia doing! Oh and the Red Arrows are in Wales on Sunday do I buy one to check the AF out before then or will it be that bad?
    Many Thanks Ian

  72. Ian on

    I have sold my entire Nikon kit for initially a Fuji x-e1 and then an x-t1. I am surprised you haven’t mentioned the b&w modes that allow you to ‘see’ through the evf in b&w and also in different crop ratio’s. B&W Previews in square 1:1 ratio have been a revelation – perhaps I struggled to see b&w tones in colour images prior to conversion. No more, these mirror less features have rejuvenated my photography

    • dougchinnery on

      You are right, Ian, but I had to stop the blog becoming full length novel ๐Ÿ™‚ I love, particularly the square format and use it a lot and I also shoot in mono more than colour. As you say, seeing in mono through the viewfinder helps visualise the scene in mono even if the final raw conversion is different to the in camera jpeg mono conversion (one of the reasons I shoot in raw + jpeg, so as to have the mono jpeg to refer back to). It is pretty much my perfect camera.

  73. Sue McGilveray on

    Excellent article Doug, thank you. I do notice the difference in resolution between my Fuji XE-1 and the Nikon D800, but that is hardly surprising, and I stick to the Nikon for landscape work as I love the fine focus you can achieve using the rear screen. You just cannot enlarge the picture that much with the Fuji. However I always use the Fuji for street photography, and if I am away with the family and photography is playing second fiddle. I have an adaptor so can use old (and new) Nikon lenses on the Fuji and this is great fun. I cannot at present justify more lenses just for the Fuji but the 18-55mm is fine for street photography. I agree that the camera produces very filmic quality pictures, although I wish Adobe would offer more support with lens correction, given that Fuji is becoming so popular.

  74. Stรฉphane Monard on

    Hi Doug,
    Nice article, I used to use DSLR, bridge and compact camera during traveling and I never found the right one. But since I’m using Fuji (2 years), I have to say that I’m enjoying very much photography. I even decide to do a website to show my pics. I went in East Africa last June and I used the X-T1. It was so much fun. If you have a look on my website there is only the album of Laos how was made with a bridge camera others were made with a Fuji X system. Cheers

  75. Antoine on

    Thanks for this article.
    I can only agree 100%!!
    I am an enthousiast with little photo skills but with a taste for it. I had a small DSLR (typical Canon Kiss, with a few lenses) and I finally took a step back, sold everything and went for the Fuji X100s.
    With the addition of the two converters (wide and tele), this camera is absolutely wonderful.
    Awesome IQ, very light, very stealthy, super good looking and extremely user friendly (I can’t imagine going back to a camera without aperture ring, exposure dial and shutter speed dial).

    Of course there are limitations, but 99% of the people wouldn’t really care at the end.

  76. Sean McCormack on

    I’ve the XPro1 for travel too. I’m at a crossroads point though. To benefit me more, I really need to get the 10-24.
    All the issues you mention have bitten me, but really, it’s the mushy fine detail that gets me. Perhaps it’s time to look at an alternate raw conversion.

    • dougchinnery on

      Hi Sean – I will send you a video if I can track it down for using Irident – it is a quick process (just 30 seconds) but it fixes the mushiness amazingly. I’ll email it over if I can find it.

  77. Andrew Brown on

    I have to say that your thoughts echo most of mine, or vice versa.

    You miss one detail in your review that to me, makes the Fuji the stand out brand, the Aperture Ring.

    I really missed this when I moved over to digital, and to see it put back was a revelation. Being able to alter aperture on the fly was never easier than with an Aperture Ring.

    Also, being able to see the effect of aperture adjustments in the EVF screen over the optical is a worth while bonus.

    I don’t shoot sports , wildlife or Macro. My X-Pro1 + 18 or 35 mm sits in my pocket and on the rare occasion I take a tripod out, well it’s somewhere to put the phone and wallet as well.

    I’m enjoying making images again, not seeing how quickly I can increase my shutter count or work out the next bit of kit to blah spending money for.

  78. John Lehman on

    I think your assessment is spot on. I have the XE-2 and love it for most shooting, but kept my Canon 7d. I did a parkour festival. The XE-2 was not fast enough on focus to manage the really quick action of the free-runners. I shot the second day with the 7d and got great images. That being said, I travel with the XE-2 and leave the heavy kit at home!

    • dougchinnery on

      Hi Joseph, to be honest I never use flash so can’t comment, but as far as I am aware there are no limitations – the system uses flash and I think you can use pocket wizards etc but please don’t take my word for it, I really know nothing about this area, flash is a dark art to me and I keep well away from it ๐Ÿ™‚

  79. Jay Farrell on

    Spot on, can’t expect it to behave exactly like a DSLR but it’s lenses, size, and flesh tones make it worth getting to know it. I plan on replacing my DSLR’s with this system once I get a couple more weddings under my belt with it, so far enjoying it with some getting used to….the focusing system is different but it’s very functional and there are many ways to do the same thing…AF lock and manual focus with peaking are handy.

  80. Ian Owen on

    Okay, Doug! I’ve done it – don’t tell the wife. I’ve seen that I need a Lee Seven5 kit & polariser after watching a RW video. Cable release they do one and the XT-1 seems to have a built in intervalometer so good news and again it ships with a small flash which will be okay for the moment. What about highlight priority alert? Has it got an in built blinky setting? And do you normally shoot on ISO 200 or set it lower? many thanks

    • dougchinnery on

      I shoot at 200 – files as clean as a whistle. Fujis don’t blow the highlights so no worries about blinks ๐Ÿ™‚ But yes, I think it does have them. You will love the focus peaking too – wait till you see that in action ๐Ÿ™‚

  81. Geoff on

    Great article. I have the X-T1 and love it. But it has its limitations, and I can’t see selling my Nikon anytime soon. I don’t see the Fuji as a replacement for my DSLR, but more of a second camera for times when I don’t want to lug the heavy DSLR around.

  82. Trevor on

    I find my Nikon D7000 meets all my needs for news photography better than my Fuji XE-1. While the Fuji is by far the better all-rounder, the incredible speed with which I can set up my Nikon keeps that in my work bag daily. It must be said though that the Fuji has much “smarter” auto settings than anything I’ve tried… which almost makes some of those wonderful knobs redundant! For me, the Fuji is my vacation camera, powerful, intelligent and compact, while still able to serve as a backup for work.

  83. Alan on

    Nice article. I feel much the same. I hardly use my Canon system anymore, mostly for super-teles, and macro. The Fuji is a wonderful system. Also works well for astrophotos as well. I am curious about your technique in the third image, looks like a motion blur and perhaps a texture added? Nice illustrations for the post.

  84. Geren W. Mortensen, on

    I started my move to Fuji by purchasing an X10 at a bargain price, to “test the waters” and see how I felt about the Fujifilm way of doing things. That was in September of last year. In April of this year, I bought an X-E1 with the 18-55. The XC50-230 followed not long after.

    Prior to that, I had been shooting Sony, which was a vast improvement in image “feel” over my Canons, which were a vast improvement over the Nikon I had shot previous. But as you say, the Fujis produce color that is second-to-none, and the in-camera RAW processor is brilliant — especially since you can bring RAW files back into the camera on the SD card to re-process them if you wish. I do that on occasion, and hook the video output of the camera to a monitor so I can see what my results are.

    After using the Fujis for just a few months, I can’t see ever going back to a DSLR. And I like to push the envelope a bit with regards to what a Fuji should be able to do. It rarely lets me down.

    At some point, I may move to an X-E2, and I’m excited by the new little X30. But for the moment, my little kit is treating me wonderfully. I do want something wider, so that’s the highest priority on my shopping list (I’m thinking the Rokinon/Samyang 12mm f/2.0).

    I have become something of an evangelist, and I’m proud to say it, while at the same time recognizing that Fujifilm, or mirrorless in general, still isn’t for everyone. My wife still shoots Canon, and for what she’s shooting, it’s probably a better choice.

  85. Dominique_R on

    Should I sell my DSLR and buy a Fuji?

    No. Well, if you’ve been using entry-level or midrange-level DSLRs, maybe. But definitely not if you’ve been using pro-level DSLRs. By all means, buy a Fuji and a few lenses if you feel like it (I did), but do keep your DSLR gear as well.

    You are beginning to see on the internet tales and blog articles from photographers who have made the switch, have been disappointed because they eventually realized that the little Fujis, however good they may be, cannot cope with the vast range of photographic situations the high-end DSLRs handle easily, and are therefore moving back, at great expense, to their former brand, be it Canon or Nikon.

    I would therefore recommend to keep the DSLRs and lenses (why not buy an adaptor ring to use them on the Fuji? I did that with my X Pro 1).

  86. Herbert Meier on

    Nice article and absolutely in my mind.
    I have changed after a couple years from Nikon to Fuji. Using xe1 and xt1. I am totally satisfied and happy with the new cameras. Things are much easier even in weight.

  87. Rob Dose on

    Great article. I currently use Fujifilm X cameras, Canon DSLRs, and Leica’s medium format S system. Since adopting Fuji cameras I do not see the value in the clunky DSLRs. When I need absolute quality, I go up to MF, when I need a robust and light camera system, I pick up the Fuji. It always seems to be either or.

  88. Paul Griffiths on

    What a great blog superb images..

    So right what you say Doug, ‘Whatever you decide I hope that, once the choice is made, you get back to enjoying making images rather than obsessing about the kit!’
    Thats what Fuji did for me…Stop worrying about equipment and improve your eye…

  89. David Toft on

    Great article, balanced and well written. I have a decent Canon slr kit based around the 5D Mk3 and carried in an Fstop back pack. Last year I dipped my toe in the water with the little EOS M. I was quite pleased with the results but became really pleased when I bought 22mm F2. The camera has its limitations but the touch screen is superb. I will probably go down the Fuji route at some point in the future when I’m no longer willing or able to transport my Canon outfit across the countryside. Thank you for a great article.

  90. Ronin on

    I have been using Capture One Pro 7 software for one year now and it handles Fuji Raw files brilliantly. That said, I am constantly surprise on all of these forms no one mention them as a solution for the X series cameras. I am currently using the the X Pro1 and X 100s, recently I processed a raw file and enlarge a print 60cm x 90cm and the image quality reminded me of my Hasselblad using the 110mm f/2 Planer with Provia film. It was that sharp! Just saying it’s the software you should be considering…

  91. Derek Comer on

    I use Nikon, D7000, with 4 lens “50, 35, 18-50 f2.8 & a cheap Tamron Zoom,, my last 2 holidays to Cuba & Mexico I have taken, my Fuji x100s and my Gopro 3+ black edition and Iv not missed my Nikon or a shot. Contemplating buying the xT-1 My next trip is to Thailand. I won’t sell my Nikon gear, it’s worth more to me than I would get selling it. Great Blog. Thanks

  92. David Duchens on

    Great article!
    I bought my first X-Pro1 two years ago (expecially for light weight travelling), and it was a revelation! Then followed the X-E1, X-E2, a second X-Pro1 and some lenses. Since the beginning of this year I totally switched to this system and sold all my DSLR gear and I absolutely have no regret.

    Thinking of buying the X-T1 actually, but I still prefer my X-Pro1 and probably will wait for a future version of it (?) ๐Ÿ™‚

    Fujifilm did a great job with this system ๐Ÿ™‚



  93. Jane on

    Nice article … but I would say that as I am also a Fuji convert from Nikon. I agree with you that the the lack of a good macro option is a shame and let’s hope Fuji come up with something better on that soon. And also it’s a pain to change the battery with the grip on the XPRO1 … but apart from that, all is very good and I love my Fuji system too.

    I also like a lot that you have posted some very nice (intentional) blur photos… which are tricky in fact on the Fujis and what I like to do too.

  94. Dave Hill on

    Well presented Doug. I have just purchased the Fuji X-T1 and the 56mm lens. Looking to try and get hold of a 2nd hand x pro 1 and 18-55mm lens to compliment what i have just purchased. Nice to see the X-T1 has a multiple exposure function, something my 5 d ii did not have. I have just brought a adaptor to use my 100L macro lens on the kit. This weekend i will be photographing a wedding using the 5d ii and the Fuji X-T1 with 56mm lens as a back up. Once again a good unbiased blog.
    Dave Hill

  95. John Beavan on

    Hi Doug
    Great article, thanks. I sold my Nikon kit a couple of months ago and bought an X-E2 with the kit lens which is super. I also have the 27mm pancake which is great for carrying around. In fact I now use that most of all. you mention that you use a lightweight tripod – any suggestions as to what t buy? As ever your blog is essential reading.

  96. Kemal on

    Great post! Thanks a lot for confirming what I was thinking about :))
    I have a Canon system and also a Fuji x100s and on the verge of selling all of my Canon. When I sell them all, will switch to x-T1… My experience with x100s has been amazing, the jpeg files are great, ISO performance is amazing and the lens is just unbelievable.. However now I am thinking which lens I should go for, should I wait for the new 16-50 f/2.8 to be release or just get the new weather sealed 18-135 and live with it? I am sure 18-135 will not be at par with the 23 mm f/2 of x100s and I am wondering if I will be disappointed with that option.. Any suggestions?

  97. alexander modenos on

    Yes, to all of the above. After a long wait of some senior camera company to come through with an affordable system
    , I purchased the XT1. The manual controls harkened to a kind of photography I grew up withโ€ฆbut with the added punch of technology. Beautiful, intuitive and a tool which inspires ones creativity.

  98. Adrian on

    Great article. I also recently switched from a Canon 5D mkII to a Fuji XT-1 and so far the camera performance is fine for all my work apart from food photography. Like you I really miss the Canon 100mm F2.8 IS Macro lens. This also when I find the images can be a bit mushiness in the fine detail.

  99. Steve Radcliffe on


    Very interesting review and such varied images. I had SLRs and rangefinder cameras in the days of film, but became less hardware orientated as I got older, so only had compact digitals. When I decided I needed a bigger sensor to get rid of the noise, the X series seemed to be the way to keep the weight down and I have ended up with an X-E1 and three zooms. As you say, the macro performance is disappointing, inferior even to a G10 with the 18-55. Probably time for an adaptor and a Canon macro lens. It’s good to see my experiences echoed by a professional.

  100. Jaroslaw Deluga on

    Excellent article Doug! And it is so important you wrote it in the period, when more and more people start having dilema what system to choose. Such articles help photographers a lot, as the choice of the photographic equipment is today huge and often potential buyers are being felt alone with their choices…

  101. Svenlovesflo on

    I really enjoy the X-T1…and by using it more I am always discovering work arounds…I do use the X-T1 successfully for shooting sports…I mainly shoot rugby and indoor amateur ice hockey…sometimes the autofocus and tracking can be slow so in order to over come this I put it on manual focus…I press the autofocus -L button..fine tune the focus and shoot away…this takes milliseconds once you become accustomed to doing this and the images are amazing…shooting my first wedding with the X-T1 in a couple weeks…am excited about doing this…but practicing all the time in low light…I think becoming familiar with your equipment is key with any camera system…I switched to mirror less because I needed something lighter for some health issues…and the X-T1 has not let me down

  102. Andy on

    Very well explained Doug and good of you to share it this way. I’ve been doing it for 4 years now and each year the payment gets bigger! Useful bit of extra income just in time for Christmas.

  103. Chris on

    I am in this quandary. For the last few years I yearned for a full frame dslr. I finally went for it with the arrival of the d800. However, it’s still a pretty big unit. After a while I followed into fuji but with the entry XM1. I love it. I then bought the 50 1.4. Oh man! Best lens I own. Now I have to decide if I can ditch ยฃ3.5K of nikon gear to get the full fuji kit (including a top end body). I’m 75% inboard with fuji and the upcoming 50-140 2.8!could swing it. That’s my thoughts FWIW.

  104. Lizzie Shepherd on

    Very useful article – thank you Doug. I hadn’t thought about it in terms of articles for magazines! Have to say I opted for my libraries to do it on my behalf as I’m not sure I would easily be able to access all of the required info. But have now registered to process for articles etc.

  105. Maria Sacadura on

    Bye-bye Canon, hello Fuji(EX1 and now the XT1).
    Only waiting for a some improvements like the possibility to name the settings and 3-5 more settings; also I er
    would like more information about the alternative raw convert.
    Thanks for your tutorial.

  106. Michael Jackson on

    Very interesting post Doug! I find the visualisation aspect of photography fascinating. Thinking about what actually happens when you look through the view finder is a bit mind bending really and I find it comforting that it is such a difficult thing to understand.
    After nibbling away at this problem for ages I came to the conclusion that there is a ‘second place’ of seeing – the first place being the initial reaction to a possible image that everyone has. Then, once you get experience and learn to rely on your intuition, your eye can flip into a kind of tunnel vision that allows you to see things in a more condensed and clear way. I think that this is where the unique personality of the photographer comes into play as it influences the way you see things in this ‘second place’ of seeing – making the image truly and unique yours – as unique as you are as a person.

    And I think that there are deeper things at work too when you get into that ‘second place’ – but I need to think more about that before I waffle on any more.


  107. Valda bailey on

    What has struck me most forcibly about my recent whistle-stop tour of the the western US states is how very differently I need to work these days.

    I have never much gone in for too much planning (pre-planning?) and indeed always enjoyed the challenge of obdurately turning away from where everyone else is planting their tripods.

    However I now find find that I need time – an inconvenient amount of it when you have a husband waiting patiently nearby – to sit and absorb the surroundings and decide what I it is I want to portray. I can’t see how it is possible to do this until one actually arrives at a given location. Only then can one assess the elements, the atmosphere, the lay of the land and how many Japanese tourists there are running around in front of one’s camera. And believe me, there were plenty.

  108. Rob Knight on

    A very insightful and thoughtful post Doug. As with Mike (above) the whole concept of visualisation I find utterly fascinating and can see counter reasoning for both perspectives. I know Pete (Bridgwood) has wrestled with his thoughts around the subject also equally eloquently and in favour of Ansels’ conclusions.

    I think the true value is that this is being discussed and that the concept of visualisation (which ever camp we fall in) is considered and reflected on by all of us.

    I am very much liking Mike’s thoughts around a two place way of ‘seeing’ and this very much falls into my thoughts and theories about how our experiences, motivations, and past all form part of our creativity and our personal way of ‘seeing’ through to representing a location uniquely. It’s a journey that over time we dig deeper into and for me helps us to understand ourselves as creatives. It is though a dynamic and ongoing process we continually shape and construct both through our understanding of ourselves and the locations we choose to explore and portray in our vision.

    It’s certainly very timely discussion as this whole thought process formed the basis of my thoughts, suggestions and theories for my ‘The Experiential Landscape’ talk at my #DarkVisions exhibition……. seems I need to bring together my considerations into a blog post to add to this excellent and valuable discussion.



  109. Sue McGilveray on

    Thank you Doug for a timely (for me) blog post. I am off to Yosemite and Death Valley in three weeks and the very thought of trying to photograph anything in those iconic locations scares the s–t out of me.
    I also avoid scouting for images before I go to locations but some famous ones are seared on the brain and I have even found myself applying their concepts to other places! We can only pray that when we arrive somewhere new we are sparked by something unique to us.
    I agree with all the sentiments above, and like Valda need time to photograph something more personal. I will be travelling with my daughter who is even less patient than my husband!

  110. Ray Fidler on

    Hi Doug, I read this thought provoking blog with interest. It has made realise that I am not cowering away from photographing the usual locations and compositions because my work is not worthy compared with others. Now I will make visits with a greater sense of confidence.

    In the past I have been put off visiting a locations because my usual companion is not impressed by the images, or lack of them, on Flickr. Your post has given me the motivation to go to those places on my own and explore.

    I am also finding that by visiting a location or event more than once helps me enormously to see more. Also as my experience and ability grows revisiting some where produces very different results. I know it is time for a revisit to Dungeness and Hastings beckons once more.

    Many thanks for taking the time to write this post.

  111. Lizzie Shepherd on

    A really interesting blog, Doug – I like the way you use the margin shifter to do your incremental hard proofs – nice idea! By preference I do tend to use photoshop for printing but I can see the merits of your arguments in this scenario and it looks a good one to try!

    That said, I can’t imagine many images will offer quite such a challenge as this one! Incredible shift required. Most of the time, I find one or two initial small test prints will get me the result I require but I do find certain images respond better to one paper type than another.

    For the most part I use either Canson Edition Etching or Fotospeed Natural Soft Textured Bright White. The former is my favourite paper, no doubt, but is more pricey and for most images, the difference between the two is negligible if it exists at all. However, certain images I have really struggled to make work on the Fotospeed. I could probably do as you did here but, for example, with my Reservoir Bogs print – it just came out lifeless on the Fotospeed yet looked perfect on the Canson.

    I can’t really account for it, given I am using profiles and same workflow for both, but I have also noticed with one or two very light and airy, ethereal style prints, they respond far better to the Canson paper.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing your system – good to know! Lizzie

  112. Marco Maroccolo on

    thank you for the beautiful print of Chris, I’ve received some days ago but I had time to open the package and appreciate print just now.

    True. The craft of the printer is rather underestimated by non-experts. Being myself a printer, but mainly by printing in black and white, I underestimated myself the difficulty of color printing, until I realized my first project in colors two years ago. Produce the prints for an exhibition was a rather long and difficult undertaking, but certainly educational.

    Usually, for my prints, I use the Canson Baryta Photographique, that I find beautiful especially for the depth of blacks. As matte paper I used the very nice Canson BFK Rives.

    Yes, I find it strange to have had to change the colors so significantly to get a print faithful to the original colors. Perhaps it is due to the brand of paper or perhaps to the ICC profiles that you used. Sometimes I had to create custom profiles using a printer calibrator. But it is a process rather long and laborious (and implies an economic investment quite significant).

    Thanks again for the great work you have accomplished, you have certainly been able to exploit this great picture of Chris.

  113. Andrew Atkinson on


    Completely agree with you, I have a huge respect for creatives that share their thoughts, idea’s & techniques.

    It reminds me of a couple of months ago, a customer asked me for quite a specific image that I didn’t have, however, I fellow photographer had said image. I organised the sales and even printed the image.

    I try and share others work, but probably not enough and really do think we all should be sharing more.


  114. wendy chapman on

    Thank you for sharing your late night thoughts. You have a reputation for being generous and sharing your knowledge. It is one of the attributes I admire about you. As I learn and improve I try to always give credit to the photographers who give me ideas, inspiration, and support. I think it adds to one’s “value” rather than detracts. Not doing so makes me see the person as insecure and while I certainly understand that feeling I try to fight it and keep working on improving. I hope people will think about what you are saying and give credit to the wonderful friends and teachers who help them along the way.

  115. Lizzie Shepherd on

    Doug, as always, you make a lot of brilliant points here and I find myself empathising with so many of them. There is an exception though, I am not recognising your description of your many undoubted talents nor do I agree you were even the slightest bit remiss in not crediting Paul on this occasion. I really don’t think it is realistic to do it every time and anyone who takes any interest in your work and your way of going about things is only too well aware that you are generous to a fault in giving credit where it is due.

    You are right, though – it would be nice to see a more generous and sharing spirit in the photography world. The word ‘thank you’ is probably much under used and of course much of it just comes down to simple good manners.

    The one proviso I would add is that I’m sure there are examples where someone may have appeared to have copied or drawn inspiration from someone or something when in fact the apparent relationship is purely coincidental. I always remember being marked down for an essay at university for supposedly paraphrasing a critic I’d never even heard of, let alone read. I’m sure the same can happen in photography – though that is the exception to the rule! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    When I saw the post on your Facebook page yesterday, I was tempted to reply ‘it’s a Doug Chinnery isn’t it?’ Now rather wishing I had – no matter how inspired, it clearly carries your hallmark and I’m quite sure Paul would say the same! Keep up the great work and blogs, Doug! ๐Ÿ™‚

  116. Alex Rotas on

    What a lovely, generous post, Doug. This is stuff that needs saying, and saying again. Thank you for putting it so beautifully and reminding all of us to spread the love. Having been a lucky participant in one of your workshops recently, I must say your words don’t surprise me. You were so generous with sharing what you know about photography, not to mention marketing, social media – whatever. Heartfelt thanks. And respect. My only reservation about what you write: you’re too modest ๐Ÿ™‚

  117. Janet Webster on

    Thank you so much for showing us these books. The glimpses of the images made me want to put in an order immediately!

  118. Richard Reader on

    Interesting article Doug. I was faced with taking my X-T1 and a couple of lenses, batteries etc. to Greece recently (plus all the normal holiday stuff and some walking gear). Using easyJet I found when doing the on-line check-in that if I went for their speedy boarding option I could take another small bag to fit under the seat in front of me as well as my standard size carry-on. This allowed me to take an unpadded messenger bag that held a Think Tank Hubba Hubba Hiney with camera etc. in it, plus a Gorillapod, and a pouch with all my travel documents in.

  119. Greg on

    One of my favourite photo spots is a strip of wet woodland near where I live, sandwiched between the park and the bypass, so this looks like my kind of photography. Looks beautiful – think I’ll order a copy!

  120. Paul Stone on

    I ahve a question about the TRespass TWINPEAK DLX 45 rucksack. In your blog you say that you put all your camera gear inside the bag. How are you separating each item of camera gear please?

  121. Euan on

    An excellent and thorough review of the new Fotospeed Square Papers Doug.

    Am planning on using them shortly for a project I’m thinking of, once I can sort out which printer to get!

    Interesting to see a comparison between the Etching and Lustre papers and I think depending on the image the results could be different each time.